welcome stranger
we're pleased to see you & hope you don't die from scabies
warning! do NOT click this

things we do

or at least things we claim that we do

global warming

weather was timid this morning. global warming is over. ur welcome.

click buttons

we click buttons.. madly.. at a rate even we've never seen before; there isn't a monkey brain alive that could out-click us.

NSA certifikation

we tried to get into the NSA server rooms and were totally unable to; the NSA is thus now certified as 'secure from intrusion'. tax dollars well spent.

things we did

we have achieved many outcomes, deliverables & things that sound cool


like little stories but with real ink

advising the UN

who recently left the brexit

disaster relief

unfortunately our guy started the fire


insects & amphibians


that we are not imperial-phobic


deadly snakes posing as network cables

things we are

this is how the cahill travesty began & how it festered into what it is today

  • 1 CE - 2001 CE

    we have no idea

    somehow life permitted the cahill family to exist, nobody knows why, and we don't dare question it.

  • April 2011

    cowardly escapes

    we board an airplane to escape the mayan apocalypse of 2012.. unfortunately the plane was unable to stay airborne indefinitely.

  • December 2012

    we buy tickets on a spaceship

    with the world about to end any minute, we purchase spaceflight tickets & laugh at the people we leave behind to die.

  • July 2016

    final payment on spaceflight escape tickets

    we finally escape crippling debt; one kidney remaining; we begin planning for the next apocalypse in order to clamber on the heads of our fellow man; escape first and seal the hatch behind us hwahaha!.

  • 2017

things like us

never before has so little been gathered by so few...


crime & punishment division


the vision & branes of our operation

Roger Kogtov

innovation & design dept

we are in the process of developing powdered water.. bullets with inbuilt pain killer & anti-coagulant.. tasers with the power to kill, eviscerate & sever limbs.. those are from our peacekeeping division. our military arm is developing remotely exploded soldiers; when they are captured, we pop them so they don't talk.. parachute alternative,.. 'bone fuser'... the para-trooper hits the ground at terminal velocity, breaking nearly all bones (even the tiny ones), this nano serum is automatically injected into their rear end with a large needle, the nanobots seek out the bones and weld them back up, within 3 months of landing a soldier can stride awkwardly toward his ( or her, we are not racist or homeopathic ) mission.. we're looking into high tensile butt implants to allow soldiers comfortable seating while in hostile environments..